Translations of the EU Semester Alliance Toolkit for Engaging in Europe 2020 and the European Semester and of its Annex 4 (Glossary of terms and acronyms) in Finnish, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Hungarian are now available!
Aimed at the national members of the European organisations which constitute the Semester Alliance, it is designed to support them in engaging with Europe 2020 and the European Semester, including the upcoming Mid-Term Review.
It provides to-the-point information about the processes and the opportunities for engagement, by clarifying the key elements, timeline, and strategic actors of the new process, as well as giving links and suggesting different ways of involvement. The main toolkit is accompanied by 5 helpful annexes.
Open the documents here below:
- English
- Bulgarian
- Finnish
- French
- German
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Spanish
- The European Semester in a nutshell (PDF from a PowerPoint presentation)
- Who to contact
- Template letter
- Glossary of terms and acronyms in
- English
- Finnish
- French
- German
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Spanish
- List of useful stakeholder engagement quotes – from EU documents
This Toolkit and its annexes were first published in English in July 2014.