15/12/2015 – Eurochild carried out the assessment of the 2015 European Semester with the help of its member organisations. The work draws on the experience of the past four years’…
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Ireland | Alliance of social and environmental groups and trade unions briefs Oireachtas Committee
21/10/2015 – Ireland and the EU have agreed to modest social and environmental targets for 2020, but even these will not be met without a change of direction. The Better…
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Semester Alliance calls on President Juncker to bring Europe 2020 back on track!
17/09/2015 – Yesterday, the Semester Alliance broad coalition addressed a letter to European Commission President Juncker to express its concern about the direction his Commission has taken when it adopted…
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PRESS RELEASE- The Semester Alliance on CSRs 2015. EU further off-track to deliver an inclusive, sustainable, social and equal Europe.
20/05/2015- The EU is failing to deliver an inclusive recovery strategy, which is urgently needed to bring the Europe 2020 Strategy back on track – in particular to combat poverty,…
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PRESS RELEASE: “European Fund for Strategic Investment: Making it Democratic, Social and Sustainable”
17/03/2015 – The Semester Alliance, a broad European coalition bringing together environmental, social and equality NGOs and trade unions, calls on the European Council and the European Parliament to ensure…
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Translations of the Semester Alliance Toolkit for Engaging in Europe 2020 and the European Semester are now available!
Translations of the EU Semester Alliance Toolkit for Engaging in Europe 2020 and the European Semester and of its Annex 4 (Glossary of terms and acronyms) in Finnish, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Hungarian are…
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Giving a Voice to Civil Society Proposals for Europe 2020: Semester Alliance hearing in the EP gets wide support
On the 3rd December, the EU Semester Alliance held a well-attended hearing in the European Parliament, hosted by Hon. Jean Lambert MEP (Greens / EFA) and Hon. Marian Harkin MEP…
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Give a voice to civil society in Europe 2020!
Brussels, 03/12/2014 – Today, the EU Alliance for a democratic, social and sustainable European Semester, a broad coalition bringing together environmental, social and equality NGOs and trade unions, is holding…
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The Semester Alliance presents its key messages on Governance to the Annual Convention on Poverty
On 20-21 November, The Semester Alliance, with the Bulgarian national pilot Alliance, took part in the 4th Annual Convention of the European platform against poverty and social exclusion (#Poverty2020) particularly…
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EP Resolution on Employment and Social Aspects of Europe 2020 adopted in Strasbourg
25/11/2014 – The resolution promoted by Marita Ulvskog acting chair of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee, was adopted in plenary by a good majority. It includes some important commitments…
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